Urgent Update –> [JOB TITLE]

REGARDING: [JOB TITLE] Urgent Update! You are receiving this urgent email because right now, this very second, our client or someone from our team is logged into this job, they are reviewing all the staff applied and they have clicked a button beside your profile page to “Select This Applicant”. This is great news because this means someone is interested in booking you and will probably now as their next step download your profile page as part of their booking approval process to put together the final group of staff they will be hiring to work this event. Now is your last chance to make a good impression and give yourself the best chance of being hired by making sure your profile page it has 1 fantastic main photo + 5 awesome additional photos + all your info is filled in and complete and correct. What should you do right now this very second if you have a basic staff account? Step 1) visit https://nationaleventstaffing.com/jobs/login/ to login to your basic accountStep 2) use https://www.nationaleventstaffing.com/pro and jump to top of the list as a vip pro staffStep 3) make sure you have 1 fantastic main photo + add 5 additional awesome pro photos to your profileStep 4) check that all your photos are not by mistake uploaded sideways or upside downStep 5) make sure your profile page is filled in and complete and everything is looking greatStep 6) check the job details and your schedule to make sure you are 100% available to work this eventStep 7) prepare to correspond with this client promptly & professionally when they contact you...